Here is a list of all documented functions with links to the class documentation for each member:
- s -
- SDL() : SDL2pp::SDL
- SDLImage() : SDL2pp::SDLImage
- SDLMixer() : SDL2pp::SDLMixer
- Seek() : SDL2pp::ContainerRWops< C >, SDL2pp::CustomRWops, SDL2pp::RWops, SDL2pp::StreamRWops< S >
- SetAlpha() : SDL2pp::Color
- SetAlphaMod() : SDL2pp::Surface, SDL2pp::Texture
- SetBlendMode() : SDL2pp::Surface, SDL2pp::Texture
- SetBlue() : SDL2pp::Color
- SetBordered() : SDL2pp::Window
- SetBrightness() : SDL2pp::Window
- SetChannelFinishedHandler() : SDL2pp::Mixer
- SetClipRect() : SDL2pp::Renderer, SDL2pp::Surface
- SetColorAndAlphaMod() : SDL2pp::Surface, SDL2pp::Texture
- SetColorKey() : SDL2pp::Surface
- SetColorMod() : SDL2pp::Surface, SDL2pp::Texture
- SetDistance() : SDL2pp::Mixer
- SetDrawBlendMode() : SDL2pp::Renderer
- SetDrawColor() : SDL2pp::Renderer
- SetFullscreen() : SDL2pp::Window
- SetGrab() : SDL2pp::Window
- SetGreen() : SDL2pp::Color
- SetH() : SDL2pp::Rect
- SetHinting() : SDL2pp::Font
- SetIcon() : SDL2pp::Window
- SetKerning() : SDL2pp::Font
- SetLogicalSize() : SDL2pp::Renderer
- SetMaximumSize() : SDL2pp::Window
- SetMinimumSize() : SDL2pp::Window
- SetMusicFinishedHandler() : SDL2pp::Mixer
- SetMusicHook() : SDL2pp::Mixer
- SetMusicPosition() : SDL2pp::Mixer
- SetMusicVolume() : SDL2pp::Mixer
- SetOpacity() : SDL2pp::Window
- SetOutline() : SDL2pp::Font
- SetPanning() : SDL2pp::Mixer
- SetPosition() : SDL2pp::Mixer, SDL2pp::Window
- SetRed() : SDL2pp::Color
- SetResizable() : SDL2pp::Window
- SetReverseStereo() : SDL2pp::Mixer
- SetRLE() : SDL2pp::Surface
- SetScale() : SDL2pp::Renderer
- SetSize() : SDL2pp::Window
- SetStyle() : SDL2pp::Font
- SetTarget() : SDL2pp::Renderer
- SetTitle() : SDL2pp::Window
- SetViewport() : SDL2pp::Renderer
- SetVolume() : SDL2pp::Chunk, SDL2pp::Mixer
- SetW() : SDL2pp::Rect
- SetX() : SDL2pp::Point, SDL2pp::Rect
- SetX2() : SDL2pp::Rect
- SetY() : SDL2pp::Point, SDL2pp::Rect
- SetY2() : SDL2pp::Rect
- Show() : SDL2pp::Window
- Size() : SDL2pp::ContainerRWops< C >, SDL2pp::CustomRWops, SDL2pp::RWops, SDL2pp::StreamRWops< S >
- StreamRWops() : SDL2pp::StreamRWops< S >
- Surface() : SDL2pp::Surface