This is the complete list of members for SDL2pp::Surface, including all inherited members.
Blit(const Optional< Rect > &srcrect, Surface &dst, const Rect &dstrect) | SDL2pp::Surface | |
BlitScaled(const Optional< Rect > &srcrect, Surface &dst, const Optional< Rect > &dstrect) | SDL2pp::Surface | |
Convert(const SDL_PixelFormat &format) | SDL2pp::Surface | |
Convert(Uint32 pixel_format) | SDL2pp::Surface | |
FillRect(const Optional< Rect > &rect, Uint32 color) | SDL2pp::Surface | |
FillRects(const Rect *rects, int count, Uint32 color) | SDL2pp::Surface | |
Get() const | SDL2pp::Surface | |
GetAlphaMod() const | SDL2pp::Surface | |
GetBlendMode() const | SDL2pp::Surface | |
GetClipRect() const | SDL2pp::Surface | |
GetColorAndAlphaMod() const | SDL2pp::Surface | |
GetColorKey() const | SDL2pp::Surface | |
GetColorMod(Uint8 &r, Uint8 &g, Uint8 &b) const | SDL2pp::Surface | |
GetFormat() const | SDL2pp::Surface | |
GetHeight() const | SDL2pp::Surface | |
GetSize() const | SDL2pp::Surface | |
GetWidth() const | SDL2pp::Surface | |
Lock() | SDL2pp::Surface | |
operator=(Surface &&other) noexcept | SDL2pp::Surface | |
operator=(const Surface &)=delete | SDL2pp::Surface | |
SetAlphaMod(Uint8 alpha=255) | SDL2pp::Surface | |
SetBlendMode(SDL_BlendMode blendMode) | SDL2pp::Surface | |
SetClipRect(const Optional< Rect > &rect=NullOpt) | SDL2pp::Surface | |
SetColorAndAlphaMod(const Color &color) | SDL2pp::Surface | |
SetColorKey(bool flag, Uint32 key) | SDL2pp::Surface | |
SetColorMod(Uint8 r=255, Uint8 g=255, Uint8 b=255) | SDL2pp::Surface | |
SetRLE(bool flag) | SDL2pp::Surface | |
Surface(SDL_Surface *surface) | SDL2pp::Surface | explicit |
Surface(Uint32 flags, int width, int height, int depth, Uint32 Rmask, Uint32 Gmask, Uint32 Bmask, Uint32 Amask) | SDL2pp::Surface | |
Surface(void *pixels, int width, int height, int depth, int pitch, Uint32 Rmask, Uint32 Gmask, Uint32 Bmask, Uint32 Amask) | SDL2pp::Surface | |
Surface(RWops &rwops) | SDL2pp::Surface | explicit |
Surface(const std::string &filename) | SDL2pp::Surface | explicit |
Surface(Surface &&other) noexcept | SDL2pp::Surface | |
Surface(const Surface &)=delete | SDL2pp::Surface | |
~Surface() | SDL2pp::Surface | virtual |