C++ bindings/wrapper for SDL2
▼NSDL2pp | |
▼CAudioDevice | Audio device |
CLockHandle | SDL2pp::AudioDevice lock |
CAudioSpec | Audio format specification |
CChunk | Fragment of audio data |
CColor | RGB color with Alpha |
CContainerRWops | RWops adaptor for random access STL containers |
CCustomRWops | Base class for custom RWops |
CException | Exception object representing SDL2 error |
CFont | Holder of a loaded font |
CMixer | Audio mixer |
CMusic | Music data |
CPoint | 2D point |
CRect | 2D rectangle |
CRenderer | 2D rendering context |
CRWops | I/O abstraction |
CSDL | Helper class taking care of SDL library initialization and deinitialization |
CSDLImage | Helper class taking care of SDL_image library initialization and deinitialization |
CSDLMixer | Helper class taking care of SDL_mixer library initialization and deinitialization |
CSDLTTF | Helper class taking care of SDL_ttf library initialization and deinitialization |
CStreamRWops | RWops adaptor for STL streams |
▼CSurface | Image stored in system memory with direct access to pixel data |
CLockHandle | SDL2pp::Surface lock |
▼CTexture | Image stored in the graphics card memory that can be used for fast drawing |
CLockHandle | SDL2pp::Texture lock |
CWav | Chunk of audio data read from a .WAV file |
CWindow | GUI window object |
▼Nstd | |
Chash< SDL2pp::Color > | Std::hash specialization for SDL2pp::Color |
Chash< SDL2pp::Point > | Std::hash specialization for SDL2pp::Rect |
Chash< SDL2pp::Rect > | Std::hash specialization for SDL2pp::Rect |
CBadOptionalAccess | Exception thrown on accessing a SDL2pp::Optional object with uninitialized state |
COptional | Optional value container |